Jan. 1 - Jan. 10, 1901

    			 W.E. Costley at home near Middle Bosque creek
			sunday the Sabbath day of our Lord and Savior. Jesus 
			Christ, and we are commanded of him to neither work 
			nor play for it is gods holey day January the 6th 1901 
			ninteen hundred and one opened up with boistrious Clouds 
			passing from the South too the north wind very high 
			from the South west although the Sun Shines out very 
			bright as the clouds passes by the wind feeling very 
			damp in its nature. The thermometer registers at eight 
			oclock this morning at 58  Degrees tempature. my wife 
			and my Self was out of bed in due time this morning 
			clothes on readey for buisiness although my wife was 
			out of bed first and had the mornings meal prepared 
			before i arose from my bed of Slumber as i felt like 
			taken a mornings nap but however She rousted me out of 
			the bed i clothed my person then washed my hands and 
			face then we Seated our Selves too the table and 
			portaken of our Sabath mornings meal alone, after we
 			were through with our meal my wife went to work to 
			put evrything in good Shape a gain whilst i fed my 
			teem and hogs. by that time old man Gamblin come 
			down to see a bout a Stray pig that was a t my house. 
			after arriving at my place he dismounted from his buggy 
			and come in doors Seated him Self down by a good fire 
			then we had a bout one hour and a half of Social talk 
			of the past history of life. then after reviewing the 
			pig he then picked it up and carried it be yand the 
			Rockquary and throwed it down as it died on last night
			past. as it come to my place sick we then taken a good 
			look at my rockquary and he pronounced it fine enough 
			then mounted in his buggy then drove for his place of 
			a bode leaving my place at about 12-oclock noon to day. 
			I then walked down too the turnup patch and gathered a 
			mess of turnups and the greens then brought them too the
			house and my wife prepared and put them on to cook whilst
			i Saddled my horse mounted on him rode too middle Bosque 
			and led Old Judy to water, after they had drank i rode 
			out on the first embankment of the creek then tied old 
			Judy mare to a Cicamore tree untill i could ride a cross 
			the Boskey (Bosque) in to EDCostleys pasture and Salt 
			my out horses, after Salting of them i rode back to the 
			Bosque untied the mare then rode up on the north Side 
			of EDs bottom field dismounted from my horse then 
			unsaddled my horse and turned them loose to graze as 
			they appeared to be So hungry for roughness i left my
			Saddle and bridal down in the bottom as i expected to 
			go back after them late in the evening of to day. after 
			arriving at the house i then began to churn for my wif(e). 
			but as the milk began to foam So bad i had to postpone
			churning untill the milk ceased foaming and returned to 
			the right tempature for churning i then went to work 
			to record what had been done on the premises on this 
			Sabath day up to half past too o-clock this afternoon 
			of to day. During of all of this while my wife was buisey
			prepareing our noons meal what time She was not at work She 
			was reading the news in the papers that we had just 
			received from Waco. After She had Served the meal and 
			placed it on the table we then Seated our Selves to the 
			table alone as usual the(n)portaken of the Same when 
			through with our meal my wife went to work then washed 
			and put away her dishes then put her dining room in good 
			repare for the next term and time of eating. whilst i 
			drove the milk calves frout (out) of the field for her 
			to milk her cows during of the time that She was milking,
			i walked to old man Finnys to See how he was getting a long 
			after arriving at the place it Seemed to me that he was not 
			getting a long very well as he appeared to be very weak and 
			rather nervous in rather a prostrate condition he also had 
			a Severe caught (cough) that was bothering him considerable 
			at the time i were with him and that was but a short while 
			for had to go to the Bosque bottom for my teem So i bid 
			them the time of day then taken a trip down to the Bosque 
			after my teem after arriving at the place i caught then 
			Saddled my horse. then caught Judy afterwards mounted, 
			on my Horse then led his mate to the bosque to water, 
			after, they drank i then rode back to my place then unsaddled 
			my horse put him in the Stabel the mare in the Stall then fed, 
			them, then fed the fatten hogs, then i prepared wood for the 
			house, for night and morning and brought it in doors to have 
			it handy Should be neaded right a way. now as the work is done 
			out Side we will Spend the balance of our Spare moment in 
			reading and writing my wife will do the reading of the news 
			whilst i finish giving the the acount of the labor that has been 
			performed by her and i to day. this has been a tolerable nice 
			day all the way through rather warm in the after noon and Still 
			warm for the time of year to night the wind has gone down not So 
			Strong as it has been all through the day but moves up at 
			intervals. now as we are about through with our work we will 
			wind up our toiles for to night by asking the Lord to gard 
			and protect us in the future as he has in the past, and when 
			done with these frail worne out bodys of ours to hand us down 
			to our grave in peace with the (Thee)and all man Kind and in 
			heaven Save us is my prayer to night__ Amen  

 				  W.E. Costley at home near-Middle Bosque_Creek
			Monday January the 7th AD 1901 Opened up quite a quite a warm 
			morning Still cloudey wind not Sturing. but when it did rise 
			it rose from the South west The thermemeter registered in the 
			earley part of the morning at 58  Degrees tempature. we were 
			out of our bed of repose quite late this morning as usual as my 
			wife was quite poorley having. the backache with other ailments, 
			after i a rose i built on a fire in the fire place then fed the 
			teem i then come in doors. washed my hands and face then put on 
			the coffee to make i then Sifted the meal to make bread a bout 
			that time my wife a rose from her bed of Slumber dressed her 
			Self then washed her face and hands She then went to work, and 
			put on the the bread and finished prepareing the morning meal. 
			about the time i was feeding of my teem mr Fagain come over from 
			Tonk creek to plow for Lum costley. after our mornings meal was 
			Served my wife and my Self portaken of our meal a lone as Mr. 
			Fagan had eat his breakfast at home before leaving this morning 
			So during the time we were dining Mr Fagan watered the teem at 
			Middle Bosque when he returned with the teem i was through with 
			my meal i then hope (helped) him to geer up, the teem, and Start 
			the plow as he began to plow in my upper field North East of the 
			Railroad on Monday morning January the 7th 1901 ninteen hundred 
			and one. for Lum costley as he was going to Sow it in Oats this 
			Season, after getting of him Stared (started) to work i come back 
			to the house then taken Mr Fagan Some water to drink through the 
			day. i then walked back to the house and fed my hogs as i had not 
			fed them before. to day, after my wife had taken care of her 
			breakfast table and put her house in good repare She then taken 
			st for a bit . as She Still was not feeling very well. and                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     morning work. i then Seated my Self down 
			by my desk and began to record what had been done on the premises 
			this morning up to 12 - Oclock in the fore noon of to day. at about 
			half past Eleven Oclock AM Mr. Fagan. Stoped off Plowing watered 
			and fed his teem that he was plowing as i had walked up there to 
			where he was at work to let him know the time of day So could turn 
			out. in due time to water and feed after we were readey for to 
			portake of the noons meal my wife calls to us to come to our meal. 
			So we responded too the call then Seated our Selves to the table 
			and portaken of our meal all dined heartily. as all appeared to be 
			hungry. After the meal was over with we moved in to our bed room 
			Seated our Selves down for about one half hours rest from which Mr 
			Fagan cought curried the teem then geered them and went to plowing 
			again as to my Self i pulled down Some corn out in the  peach 
			orchard north East from my house and late in the Evening halled 
			it in during all this time my wife was very buisey with her house 
			work and not feeling well at that. My wife after She had finished 
			up her work after dinner She then walked down to the Section house 
			to See old. Man. Finnie as he was Sick and has been for Some time, 
			after we halled in the corn Mr.Fagen taken taken the teem to the 
			Bosque to water whilst i throwed the corn out of my wagon into 
			the crib. after Mr. Fagan returned from the Bosque we then put 
			the teem up and fed them i then fed the fattening hogs, by that 
			time my wife had the Evening meal prepared So we Seated our Selves 
			to the table. then portaken of our evening meal, after we were 
			through with our meal we then moved in too our bed room Seated 
			our Selves. by a good fire and then entered in to a long 
			conversation up on the word of good and his great works and his 
			power here on earth and in heaven and a nother world to come, 
			after getting throug my wife churned her milk whilst i finished 
			recording the labors that my wife and my Self, did through, the 
			day up to the present time, Now as we are about through, we will 
			go to our bed of repose by first asking the Lord to gard and 
			protect us through the present night as he has through the day 
			just passed and gone and when done with these frail bodys of ours, 
			to hand us down to our grave in peace with the(Thee) and all man 
			Kind and in heaven Save us is my prayer to night.   Amen
			 On January the 7th AD 1901 being monday Mr Fagan began to plow for 
			Lum Costley above the Railroad  W.E. Costley

				        W.E.Costley at home near middle bosque creek 
			Tuesday January the 8th AD 1901 nineteen hundred and one Opened up 
			quite a cloudy morning wind from the    The thermometer registers 
			at an earley hour to day at 56  Degrees tempature. we were out of
			our bed of rest quite earley this morning clothes on readey for 
			buisiness at 6 Oclock A  M.  i built the fire in the fireplace then 
			prepared Stove wood brought it in doors for my wife to prepare the 
			morning meal with, my wife Kindled the fire in the Stove then went 
			to work to prepare the meal whilst i fed my teem and ground coffe 
			for her She then done the balance of the work a bout the meal. after 
			getting of the meal Served readey for to be eat i then roused up Mr 
			Fagan as he was Still a Sleep after he arose from his bed of Slumber 
			washed his face and hands we then seated our Selves too the table then 
			portaken of the Same when through with our mornings meal Mr Fagan 
			caught then watered curried and also geered my teem then drove to my 
			upper field and began to to plow agan (again) whilst i fed my fattening 
			hogs then taken a look for the turkey hen that was absent from the 
			premises after finding her i drove her to the Stable then my wife and 
			my Self pend her in the Stable with the balance of the turkeys, i 
			then taken Some water too the field for Mr Fagan to drink whilst 
			plowing from that point as it was near the Railroad i taken it and 
			walked down too the Section house to See how Mr Finny was getting a 
			long as he was Sick and had been for Some bit, after arriving at my 
			place i found him in a better condition than he had been Since he 
			taken Sick after remaining with the familey for Some little bit i 
			then bid them the time of day and walked up home after arriving at
			my place i come in doors made on a fire in the fire place Seated my
			Self down by desk and began to record the work that was being done on 
			premises up to Eleven Oclock to day. and at that period it was very 
			damp and cloudey and the South wind blew Strong and Cool, my wife 
			after getting of her breakfast table taken care of and her house 
			cleaned up and in order She then went to work Sewing on a garment for 
			her Self. About half past Eleven Oclock i walked up to my upper field 
			to inform Mr Fagan to turn out and water his teem and feed them by 
			that time the noon meal wood (would) be readey to be eat. So after 
			getting through we then Seated our our Selves to the table then 
			portaken of the Same. After we were through we then moved in too 
			our Setting room and taken about a half hours rest then to work we 
			went again, Mr Fagan caught curried then geered his teem and went 
			to plowing a gain, and i went to chopping wood for the house, and 
			chopped untill late in the evening from which i left off work come 
			to the house and done up Schores around the premeses after getting 
			through i then taken Some Sweet milk to the Section house after 
			delivering the milk i then walked up to my upper field to where Mr. 
			Fagan was plowing to let him Know that i wanted him to turn out 
			earley that commom, in order that i could hall a barrel of water. So 
			when he brought the teem down to the house we hitched the teem too 
			my wagon then put the barrel in the wagon then. Mr. Fagan and i 
			mounted in the wagon and i drove for the Bosque to water the teem 
			and to get a barrel of water after, getting the barrel filled i 
			then drove for my place of abode. after arriving at my place Mr.
			Fagan taken the geer off of the horses whilst i taken Some wood 
			out of the wagon that we had put in the wagon coming from the 
			creek, we then put the horses up in the Stable and fed them, we 
			then come in doors washed our hands and face then as our evening 
			meal was waiting on the table. we then Seated our Selves to the 
			table then portaken of our evenings meal, after we were through 
			my wife taken care of the Suppertable and put her Kitchen in order 
			again then all moved in too our bed room Seated our Selves down by 
			a good fire and enjoyed a long Satisfactory Conversation for Some 
			too hours then Mr Fagan departed too his bed of repose leaving my 
			wife and my Self Still up as we was not through with our labors So 
			we continued our work untill we were through. This has been a very 
			cloudey day all the way through and much like unto rain all day and 
			quite warm, Now as we are through with our work we will depart to 
			our bed of repose by first asking the Lord to gard and protect us 
			through the present night as he has through the day just passed and 
			gone, and when done with these frail bodys of ours to hand us down 
			to our grave in peace with the (Thee) and all man Kind and in 
			heaven Save us is my prayer to night     Amen

    				 W.E.Costley at home near middle Bosque Creek 
			Wednesday January the 9the AD 1901 Opened up quite a dreary
			morning wind from the South east principally very damp at there 
			has ben frequent Showers in the latter part of the night just 
			passed. and the weather at this writing being nine oclock in 
			the forenoon is very unfavorable for Settled weather as the 
			clouds are thick and heavey traveling Swift from the South to
			the north The thermometer at this writing registers 62  Degrees 
			tempature we arose from our bed of repose tolerably earley this 
			morning clothed our Selves and went to work as usual my wife 
			to prepareing the mornings meal whilst i did the feeding of the 
			teem after my wife had prepared the mornings meal we then portaken 
			of the Same when through with our meal Mr Fagan caught then watered 
			the teem put the geer on them and went to braking Stuble again 
			whilst my wife went to work to cleaning up her breakfast table and 
			putting her Kitchen and house in order for the day as to my Self 
			first and formost after my mornings meal i taken a good Smoke after 
			getting through i then fed my fattening hogs after doing of that 
			work i taken Some water too the upper field for Mr Fagan to drink 
			whilst plowing and from that point i taken the Railroad, and walked 
			down to the Section house to See how Old Man Finney was getting a 
			long as he is Still Sick not able to be up after arriving at the 
			place i found his Still in the bed not yet able to be up but able 
			to Smoke his pipe after being with him for a while i then taken 
			the railroad and walked over to Crawford to get my mail and Some
			tobaco and envelops as i had a couple of letters to write. after 
			procuring all that i went after steped a cross the Street in the 
			Sam Clary Saddle Shop and conversed with them or him as old man 
			Graves and Shafman was in the Shop for a Short while, then left 
			for my place of a bode, after arriving at home, i walked up the 
			road in the direction of the Railroad and beckened to Mr Fagan 
			to turn out as it was 12 - Oclock i then returned to the house 
			and Shucked corn to feed the teem with whilst mr Fagan was watering 
			the teem after he returned we then put one in the Stall and the 
			other one in the Stable then fed them we then come in doors washed 
			hands and face after drying of them on the towel we Seated our 
			Selves too the dinner table then portaken of the Same. when though
			with the meal we moved in too our Setting room then Seated our Selves 
			for a rest during the time i wrote a card to Lum Costley at Waco 
			for Mr Fagan and he taken the card to Crawford to mail as he was 
			not going to plow this evening. on the account of it Showering of 
			rain occasionley. during all this time my wife was engaged in washing 
			and putting a way her dishes and putting her Kitchen and dining room 
			in good repare again for the next meal, at a bout three Oclock this 
			Evening i taken my ax walked down to the rockquary South west from 
			my house and finished chopping a load of wood. i then returned to 
			the house caught then curried and geered then hitched them too my
			wagon my wife and my Self mounted our Selves into the wagon then 
			drove to the bosque to water the teem and on my return back home i
			loaded the wood that i had cut on the wagon and halled it to the house
			after arriving. at the place i unhitched and ungeered my teem put them 
			one in the Stable the other in the Stall then fed them and the 
			fattening hogs. as i had brought my night wood in doors that ended 
			our out door work then my wife prepared a Snack for us to Eat as we 
			were alone a gain as Mr Fagan had gone home up on Tonk Creek Some 
			three miles and a half west of Crawford. after my wife had prepared 
			our evenings meal we then Seated our Selves to the table and eat of 
			the Same after we were through with our meal and my wife had taken 
			care of her Suppertable. and had put evry thing all right again we 
			then moved in too our bed room and Seated our Selves down by a 
			warm fire as it was turning Some what cool and taken up the Subject of
			a Sick bed and the efects of the Same, after conversing upon the 
			Subject for Some three quarters of a hour she then began to comb her 
			hare (hair) whilst i went to work to finish recording of the labors 
			performed on the premises to day and also the condition of the weather 
			this has been a very dark cloudey day with Several Spells of misting of 
			rain but eventually it all blew away. but the Sun failed to come out 
			today and of course Sit behind a cloud at the going down this evening, 
			and the wind changed to the west. and become much cooler than it had 
			been in the first part of the day. my wife before going to bed, had to 
			Sew some on a garment but after finishing of our work we then departed 
			to our bed of repose by first asking the Lord to gard and protect us 
			through the present night as he has through the day just passed and 
			gone and when done with these frail bodys to hand us down to our grave 
			in peace with the (Thee) and all man Kind and in heaven Save us is my 

 					W.E.Costley at home near middle Bosque Creek
			Thursday January the 10 th AD 1901-Opened up a dreary morning very 
			cloudey misting of rain and a Strong norther a very cold wind. 
			The thermometer. registers at and earley hour to day at even 40 Degrees 
			tempature, I was out of my bed of repose tolerably earley this morning
			clothes on i then rebuilt the fire as i was out of bed and had built on 
			a fire at a bout fore (four) Oclock -in the night just passed. after renewind 
			(renewing) of the fire i then fed my teem and fowls come in doores ad (and) 
			prepared coffe(e) for our mornings meal. by that time my wife arose from her 
			bed of Slumber dressed her Self then went to word (work) to prepare the morning 
			meal. after getting of the meal readey for to be eat She placed the Same in 
			front of a good fire. then we Seated our Selves down a round the Same and eat 
			our mornings meal feeling comfortable whilst eating after getting through 
			we then put a way our vesels that we eat out of then my wife put the house 
			in good repare for the balance of the day. during that time i fed my fattening 
			hogs and other work i did around the premises as it was too cold for me to go 
			to the woods to chop wood or gather corn in the fore part of the day. So i
			contented my Self in writing Some letters too my children and recordind (recorded) 
			what was done on the premises during of the day onley what time it required 
			to feed and water the Stock which i began to do at or near three Oclock in 
			the after noon i caught and led my teem to the Bosque whilst my wife drove 
			the out Stock after me to water after they all had drank i then brought my 
			teem in Side of E.D.Costleys bottom field tied them then run the out horses 
			a cross the Bosque in to E.D.Costleys pasture as it was Some what too damp 
			to be on the wheat after getting them them alright i then returned to my 
			teem fed then too the house put them, one in the Stable the other in the 
			Stall then fed them i then come in doors Seated my Self down by my desk 
			then finished writing a letter that i was writting to Ida costley of Waco, 
			after i were through i then prepared wood for night and morning 
			then brought it in doors to keep it dry and to have it handy whilst 
			i was doing of that work, my wife was milking of her cows when She was 
			through i fed the cows cotton Seed and Straw then fed my teem and 
			fattening hogs So that ended the out doors work for to day i come in 
			doors Seated my Self down by (my) desk and began to record the remainder 
			of the labor that has been done on the premises and whilst i am engaged 
			in performing this work my wife is engaged at renovation a pare of 
			drawers that She had made for me and they were too large and She was 
			triming them down, This has been a winter day all the way through it 
			was connected with a texas norther and a mist of rain and Still 
			contunues to go on at my bed time to night being in the neighborhood 
			of Eleven Oclock in the forenoon of to night. Now as we are through 
			with our labors we will go to our bed of rest by first asking the Lord 
			to gard and protect us through the present night as he has through 
			the day just passed and gone and when done with these frail bodys 
			of ours to hand us down to our grave in peace. with the (Thee) and 
			all man Kind and in heaven Save us is my prayer to night___ Amen


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copyright 2003-09 Carol Costley Rabun and Harry Diamond Jr