Sept. 26-29, 1900

   		 	W.E. Costley at home near Middle Bosque Creek
		Wednesday September the 26th 1900 hundred Opened up quite a nice morning 
		rathe (rather) Still not but little movement of the air earley in the 
		morning . but what there were was from the South i did not have time to 
		notice what the thermometer Stood at but at about 12-oclock noon to day 
		it Registered 86 Degrees Tempature. we were out of bed quite earley this 
		morning as we had a heavey days work ahead of us to do to day therefore 
		we we (were) up and our clothes on and at buisiness quit earley My wife 
		prepared the mornings meal whilst i fed my teem and hogs and fowls after 
		getting of it Served and on the table we Seated our Selves too the table 
		then eat a portion of the Same when through my wife milked her cows whilst 
		i watered my teem from the barrel then curried and geered them hitched 
		my teem too the plow and went to breaking Stuble groung (ground) again 
		on the Same piece of land NE of my house i plowed untill about 12-Oclock 
		noon of the day from which i left off braking braking Stuble and drove 
		too the lot plowing as i come in home. After arriving at the place i 
		ungeered my teem then watered the teem at the barrel a gain then fed 
		them my wife and my Self eat our dinner as She had it Served and on 
		the table after we were through my wife taken care of the dining table 
		and put evry thing in good order again. whilst i went to work and 
		recorded the labor that my wife and my Self did up to one Oclock in the 
		after noon of the day. the wind at this writing is blowing rapedley from 
		the South. and Sharpley cloudey much like rain the apearance of falling 
		weather and that Soon although the clouds appear to be rather high for 
		it too rain. at about too Oclock my wife and my Self went to picking in 
		my cotton and picked untill the Sun Set, from which we left off work and 
		come too the house to do up the night Schores. after we were through i had 
		to water my teem then taken them too my field above the Railroad then turn 
		them in to graze tonight i then made the gates fast then walked back too my 
		house as tiard as a man could well be to go at all, when i arrived at the 
		house i washed my face and hand. then my wife and and  my Self Seated our 
		Selves too the the table then portaken of our evenings meal, when through, 
		and the Suppertable cared far we then moved into our bed room and went too 
		work again my wife to Sewing my Shew (shoe) whilst i finished up recording 
		of our toilas through the day of different Kinds of work through the day the 
		wind has been very Strong all day up too the going down of the Sun, when it 
		disappeared the wind disappeared also and left the atmosphe ve (very) 
		oppressive. now as we are about through with all the work that we have 
		to do to night, we will go too our bed to rest, by first asking the Lord 
		to gard and protect us through the present night as he has through the day 
		just passed and gone, and when done with these frail body of ours to hand 
		us down too our grave in peace with the (Thee) and all man Kind and in 
		heaven Save us is my prayer to night- Amen

       			W.E. Costley at home neare Middle Bosque Creek
		Thursday September the 27th AD 1900 hundred Opened up quite a warm day wind 
		from the east Some what cloudey the Thermometer registers at 12-Oclock noon 
		today at 82  Degrees tempature we were out of bed quite late today on the 
		accout (account) of not resting very well too tiard to E Sleep for the first 
		time in a long while but when we did a rise and get our clothes on we then 
		went to work all write Side with care prepared Stove wood for my wife to to 
		Serve the morning meal by and brought it in doors and my wife Kindled the 
		fire then went to work to Serve the mornings meal whilst i went to work at 
		getting my teem down too the lot and feeding of them by that time my wife 
		had our mornings meal Served and on the table we taken Seats too the table 
		then portaken of our mornings meal when through my wife milked her cows 
		whilst i geered my teem hitched them too the wagon. i mounted in the wagon 
		then drove too the Bosque to water my teem and to hall a barel of water 
		after returning back home i taken my teem from the wagon hitched them too 
		my plow then went to braking Stuble again on the Same piece of ground i 
		plowed untill 12-Oclock noon today. then drove too the house ungeered my 
		teem then watered them from the barrel and fed them by that time my wife 
		had our noons meal Served and on the table readey for to be eat we then 
		Seated our Selves to the table and portaken of the Same after we were 
		through my wifife (wife) went Strait way to work and cleared off her dinner 
		table and put evry thing in good Shape again, then taken a rest as She had 
		not Sit down today Since morning as too my Self i went too work too record 
		the labor that has been performed on the premises up to twelve Oclock to 
		day Mr Procks children commenced to pick cotton for me to day and at 
		12-Oclock noonday they had picked 25 pound of cotton. at noon they went 
		home for there dinner. at about too-Oclock this evening i taken Some 
		matches walked up to where i had been braking Stuble and some corn Stalk, 
		and burned Some Johnson grass roots that i had plowed up and piled 
		also i Set fire to Some cornstalk that had drug in piles after getting 
		through i picked up a Sack full of corn that i had gathered during the time 
		i was plowing on the Same land that i was breaking. after getting of the 
		corn in the Sack i then brought and put it in the crib to feed with. I then 
		taken my cotton Sack then went to the field to pick cotton in companey with 
		my (Mr)Procks children we picked untill the Sun went out of Sight from which 
		we qut off come to the house and waied our cotton then the children left for 
		there place of abode whilst i Saddled my (and) mounted on him and led Old 
		Judy mare down too middle Bosque to water after they drank i rode back too 
		too my house and in a very Short while i taken them too my field above the 
		Railroad then turned them in too graze for the night after Securing of the 
		gates So they could not get out. i then walked back too my premises then 
		washed my hands and face and as my wife. had the evenings meal Served and 
		on the table we Seated our Selves too the table then portaken of the Same 
		when we were through with the Evenings meal my wife taken care of her Supper 
		table and placed evry thing used about the table in good Shape a gain, and 
		when through we moved in too our bed room with Seperate lights. She occupied 
		the wash Stand to place her light and i my Desk. She went to work to renovate 
		a Shirt for me to put on, whilst i with pen in hand went to work to finish up 
		recording the labor that has been preformed on the premises to day by my wife 
		and my Self and those that we had hired to pick cotton all very tired from 
		our days labors for a while after the Sun went down the wind rose and blew
		very nicely for abit then went down a gain and become very warm and Sultry. 
		This has been the warmest day that has been for the last too week very 
		uncomfortable . Now as we are through with our days work we will go too 
		our bed to rest by first asking the Lord to gard and protect us through 
		the present night as he has through the day just passed and gone, and when 
		done with these frail woren out bodys of ours to hand us down too our grave 
		in peace with the (Thee) and all man Kind and in heaven Save us is my prayer 
		to night-Amen 

       			W.E. Costley at home near Middle Bosque creek 
		Friday September the 28th AD 1900 hundred Opened up quite a foggy morning wind 
		from the South Thermometer registers at an Earley hour at 74  Degrees tempature. 
		we were rather late this morning getting out of bed this morning as we like 
		sleep So well, but after we did a rise from our bed of Slumber we put our clothes 
		on and went to work in Earnest i prepared the Stove wood for my wife to Serve 
		the mornings meal with. She went to work and Soon prepared it during the time 
		i brought my teem down from my upper field and fed them by that time the 
		morning was readey for my wife and my Self to eat So we Seated our Selves too 
		the table then portaken of the Same when through my wife milked the cows whilst 
		i watered my teem at the barrel then curried and geered them i then hitched 
		them too my plow. then went too to braking Stuble again on the Same piece of 
		land i plowed untill 12-Oclock then drove my teem too the house bring my plow 
		with my (me) plowing as i come. after arriving at my house, i ungeered them 
		then fed them. I come in doors washed my hands and face by that time my wife 
		had the noons meal Served and on the table and announced readey for to be eat 
		we then Seated our Selves too the table and portaken of our noons meal. after 
		we were through with the meal my wife washed and put a way her dishes cups & 
		Saucers Knives and forks then went to other buisines while i geered my teem 
		hitched them too my wagon i then drove  too the Bosque to water my teem and 
		to hall a barrel of water after arriving at home i ungeered my teem tied 
		them up then taken my cotton Sack walked down to the South Side of my lower 
		field too where i had about 3/4 of and acre of cotton then began to pick cotton 
		as Mr Procks Children was pickind (picking) in the South east End of the Same 
		farm onley a different piece of cotton they finished up that piece of cotton 
		at a bout Sunset. and (i) picked untill a bout the Same time. from which i 
		left the cotton i picked during the Evening on a count of being to heavy (to) 
		pack So far. I returned to the house Sadled Walker mounted on him then led Old 
		Judy mare too the Bosque to water. after getting through drinking i rode back 
		too my house left my Sadle at my house mounted on Walker barback then rode too 
		my upper field then turned them in too graze after Securing of the gates which 
		there is too (two). i then walked back to my house brought my Saddle in doors 
		then Swung (file 224) it to a nail in the hall from that part of the work. i 
		then washed my hands and face by that time my wife had her evenings meal Served 
		and readey to be eat, we then Seated our Selves too the table and portaken of 
		the Same. when through and the Supper table cared far we then moved in too our 
		bed room to engage in our last work before going too our bed of repose and that 
		is my wife turned her attention to news paper reading whilst i went to work to 
		finish recording the labor that was done by my wife as She hope to pick cotton 
		to day after finishing up her cooking and house work in general and my Self and 
		hiard hands. All being very tiard from the labors of to day the wind has Kept up 
		Soft and nice this after noon. Now as we are through with our days work we will 
		retire too our bed to rest and Sleep as i am fully pursuaded that the croud can 
		Sleep with rocking. to nigh and we ask the Lord to gard. and protect us through 
		the present night as he has through the day just passed and gone and when done 
		with these worned out bodys of ours to hand us down too our grave in peace with 
		the (Thee) and all man Kind and in heaven Save us is my prayer to nigh--- Amen
    			W. E.Costley.At.home near Middle Bosque creek
		Saturday September the 29 AD 1900 hundred Opened up quite a nice cool morning 
		wind not Sturing not a leaf moving that one can See. The thermometer registers 
		even 70  Degrees Tempature Earley this morning. we were out of bed quite earley 
		and clothes on readey for work this morning as cotton picking is on hand.I 
		prepare the wood and my wife Kindled the fire in the Stove then went to work 
		to prepare our mornings meal whilst i fed the fowls and hogs besides i taken 
		a look for one of my wifes fine brimmer roosters as he was missing on last 
		night. after the mornings meal was Served and placed on the table and announced 
		readey for to be eaten my wife and my Self Seated our Selves too the table then 
		portaken of our mornings meal. when through with the meal as usual my wife 
		milked her cows before attending to her breakfast table after She was through 
		with her milking and the milk put away She then went to work to put her Kitchen 
		and dining room in good order for the day also her dwelling and Sleeping 
		department. whilst i went to picking cotton at the Same place that i began at 
		yesterday. i picked untill 12-Oclock noon to day then left of (off) work come 
		too the house washed my hands and face then we eat our noons meal as my wife had 
		it Served and on the table waiting for my arrival after we were through i walked 
		up too my upper field and brought my horses down too the house then put the geer 
		on them hitched them too my wagon and mounted in my wagon accompanied by my wife 
		then drove down too where i had been picking cotton loaded on the wagon what cotton
		that i picked on yesterday evening and to day up to 12-Oclock halled it too the 
		house then put it in the hall to a wait weighing after getting of it unloaded we 
		then drove too the Bosque too water the teem and to hall a barrel of water. after 
		filling of the barrel i then drove for my place of abode when we arrived at the 
		Spot we dismounted from our wagon, i then ungeered my teem then fed Old judy Saddled 
		Walker. mounted on him then rode for the Town of Crawford to get Some meal as i went 
		i left my horse at Edards (Edwards) black smith Shop to be Shod whilst i walk down 
		to German mill to See about getting Some meal after arriving at the mill i learned 
		from the foreman, that, they had no meal nor they would not grind before Monday 
		morning So i turned my course and walked up to Lehmand and Brother groery Store and
		baught a half a bushel and from that point i walked too the postoffice and procured 
		my mail receiving a letter and three Waco news papers from ED Costley and also a 
		Goldthwait paper and a letter from J.M.Costley of Goldthwait Mill County. After 
		receiving of my mail i then walked to C.A. Standifers Drug Store and purchased a 
		bottle of Codal Dispepsey Cure. from that place i walked  back to Edwads (Edwards) 
		Shop to where i left my horse to be Shod the young man Cash was a bout through Shoeing
		of him i then mounted on my horse after getting my meal from Lehmas Store i then rode 
		for my place of a bode just before i arrived at middle Bosque it began to Sprinkle on 
		me and by the time that i had crossed the middle Bosque it began to rain down in the 
		way that i Soon become very wet as well as the meal that i had with me after arriving 
		at home i dismounted put my meal in the hall as it was Still raining and continued to 
		rain untill near Sundown from which it ceased too rain but Kept up a very dark cloud 
		in the west untill very late at night, after the rain was over with i then fed the 
		fowls my teem and my hogs, i then Staked the calves on the road from my place too 
		the Railroad gates.i then come back too the house washed my hands and face then we 
		eat our Evenings meal as my wife had it Served and on take (table) readey for to Eat. 
		after getting of her Supper table cared far and evry thing too the eating department 
		taken care of we moved in too our bed room each one with his own light, my wife 
		occupied the washstand as a table to place her light upon in order that She could 
		See how to read the news that i brought from Crawford, this evening whilst i occupied 
		my dest (desk) in order to finish recording the labor that has been performed today 
		by my wife and my Self my wife has been quite buisey all day but is feeling Some better 
		this evening to what She has been for the last few days as to my Self. as i may feel 
		thankful that it is as well with me ast (as) it is although i am Some what worn out 
		from my weeks labors. Now as we are through with the days labor, we will go too our bed 
		to rest by first asking, the Lord to gard and protect us through the present night as 
		he has through the day just passed and gone. and when done with these frail bodys of 
		ours to hand us down to our grave in peace with the (Thee) and all man Kind and in heaven
		Save us is my prayer to night. Amen

		It come a heavey Shower of rain on the evening and being Saturday Evening at about 
		4-Oclock   September 29th 1900

			      W.E.Costley at home near the Middle Bosque Creek
		Sunday September the 30th AD 1900 hundred Opened up quite a cloudey damp morning with
		a rising barometer as the thermometer register 2  Degrees higher this morning than 
		She did on yesterday morning as She registers 72  Degrees this morning at a bout eight
		Oclock A.M. The wind is feble So far up in the day. but what is Sturing is from the 
		South we were out of bed quite late this morning on the account of being So damp from 
		the rain that fell on yesterday. evening late but eventually we picked up courage 
		enough to a rise from our bed of Slumber and put on our clothes. after getting on 
		of our clothing there appeared to be no dred on our mid as we were a ware of what
		 had to be done on this Sabbath morning.  So it was, we went to work all right Knowing 
		that the work had to be done to Sustain life my wife prepared the mornings meal. whilst 
		i did the feeding of the Stock and fowls, after i was through feeding what was on hand 
		i then walked out too the Santfe Railroad and drove a lot of our turkeys back a way from 
		the Railroad track. I then walked back too the house washed my hands and face then we eat 
		our mornings meal as my wife had it Served and on the table when through with the mornings 
		meal my wife attended to her breakfast table the first thing after we were through with 
		our meal as it was too wet right away to milk. So after getting her breakfast table taken 
		care of and evry thing used about the table put to its propper place then the Kitchen and 
		dining room put in good order for the present She then milked her cows with my help after 
		She was through milking and the milk attended too She the put her bed room in order for 
		the day. She then Seated her Self in her Rocking Chair with a news paper to read in order 
		to rest. Whilst i began too record the work that has been performed to day up to a bout 
		10-Oclock this Sabbath morning of our Lord nineteen hundred at about half past 10-Oclock 
		i taken old Judy up above the Railroad then turned her loose in the field to graze i then
		returned back too the house put on a nother Shirt as the one that i had on had gave way 
		untill it was no good i then mounted on Walker than Struck out to hunt for a young mule 
		of Virginia Frownfelters that had worms in it when it left my place but not find it 
		whatever after traversing the Bosque up and down Said Streem and country for ever So 
		are up Said Streem and out through it trbutaries but could not find the mule nor not 
		one of the gang. any where in the range. So i returned back unsaddled my horse then fed 
		him by that time had prepared a Snack for the familey after washing of my face and hands 
		we Seated our Selves too the table then portaken of our noons neal when through with our 
		meal my wife washed then put a way her dished and put her Kitchen and dining room in good 
		repare again whilst i went to work to give a Statement of the labor of my wif (wife) and 
		my Self upto a bout three Oclock this evening The thermometer registers at the Same 
		writing at 88  Degrees tempature. very warm indeed but we are having a brisk wind from 
		the South this evening, after my wife was throug with the clearing up of her dinner table 
		She taken a nother course of news paper resting to pass off the time after resting for a 
		bit and my horse was through eating i put my Saddle on him then mounted upon him and rode 
		for the Bosque to look for my horses again after for about too hours i found them in 
		General Robertson bottom on the South Side of the creek . I then drove them up to salt 
		and doctor as one of the mares had wormes in her Stifee joint of her left hind leg, after 
		getting of her doctored i belled her with a large cow bell, So i could find her as well as 
		the balance of the croud that She runs with. after i had finished that part of the work, i 
		mounted on my horse and rode over too Mr Procks to See if our turkeys was at his place, So 
		Soon as i found out that they had not been on his premises i then turned my course rode back 
		to my field cought Old Judy mare then led her down too the house and my wife watered her 
		from the barrel whilst i rode up too Mr Shrines looking. for my turkeys but could not find 
		nor hear of them i taken a bigg round after them in Dock Coffmans pasture but it a mounted 
		nothing as i could not Strack any trace of them So i returned back home very much fateaugued
 		(fatigued) for i had been going all day with out rest. whatever i then watered my horse 
		from the barrel. then put him and his mate in the field to graze too night. then Secured 
		the gates then walked back to my house washed my hand and face. then Seated my Self too my 
		desk and began to wind up recording of the labor that has been performed on the premises to 
		day by my wife and my Self and as we are through we will go too our bed of repose by first 
		asking the Lord to gard and protect us through the present night as he has through the day 
		just passed and gone. and when done with these frail bodys of ours to hand us down too our 
		grave in peace with the (Thee) and all man Kind and in heaven Save us is my prayer to night 

foreword   1   2  3  4  5  6  7  8   9  10   11   12   13   14  
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copyright 2003-09 Carol Costley Rabun and Harry Diamond Jr