This is 2 pages of info from 1898:

			A diary of the weather and the labors that is performed each day that 
			is Set a part by W. E. Costley and familey for the year 1898 commensing 
			on Wednesday November the 9 th AD 1898 which opened up a sad day to the 
			citizens of precince No 7 of McLennan county although the weather in 
			appearance was beautiful it was occasioned by the death of our most dear 
			friend Henry Black he departed this life on monday November the 7th AD 
			1898 at about 9 Oclock in the morning and was conveyed to his last resting 
			place on November the 8th AD 1898 and consigned to his grave by his neighbors 
			and friends at a bout noon day of the date mentioned the wind was blowing 
			Softley from the South and the Sun Shining bright and the Sky pirfectley 
			clear and bright and after arising from our bed of repose and dressing our 
			Selves and feeding of the Stock then getting a bite to eat our Selves we 
			then Started out to joine the band of friends and neighbors that was 
			following of him to his last resting place after arriving at the Crawford 
			cemetry there he was consigned to the last work on earth that could be done 
			for the noble boddy of Henry Black by his neighbors and friends who was 
			left to mourn the loss of Such a good man his familey and his friends and 
			relatives after he was consigned to the dark grave to Sleep with the 
			dead we turned to our homes with a Sad heart not knowing who would be 
			the next one to Share his fate after my wife and my Self left the grave 
			yard we come by Crawford to See our Daughter Virginia Leng and Children 
			as they lived at Crawford whilst there i walked up to the ploos (polls) 
			and voted as it was a general Election day after voting i returned back
			to my daughters then eating our noons meal we then departed to our place 
			of a bode but in Stead of coming on home we taken a trip up to Lum wills 
			to get Some butter and Eggs for Virginia Leng after procuring of them 
			we mounted in the buggy and i drove for my field gate there the old Lady 
			Costley a lighted from the buggy then walked down home and i made a turn 
			in the lane on the Crawford road then drove for Crawford agin to convey 
			eggs and butter to Virginia Leng after delivering the freight to her i 
			then returned home. after geting to my place of abode i ungeered Walker 
			then put him up in the Stall then caught and Saddled Redbird then rode 
			him to the bosque to water after returning home i fed the Stock in 
			general then prepared wood for night and morning and brought it in 
			doors by that time the old Lady had the evenings meal.Served as usual 
			and readey for to eat So we Sit down to the table and eat our marcel 
			of food when through the Old Lady Costley taken care of her Supper table 
			whilst i taken a Smoke when through i finished recording the weather 
			and the labors performed by my wife and my Self then we departed to our 
			bed of repose hoping that the lord will look over us through the present 
			night as (he) has in the day just past and gone is my prayer to night

	               		W.E.Costley at home on the middle Bosque
			Wednesday November the 9th AD 1898 Opened up a very blustrious with a 
			Stiff norther and rain from the north commensing at a bout one oclock 
			in the night past and rained up to a bout 10 oclock in the fore noon 
			today from which it ceased raining but the north wind continued to 
			blow and remained cloudey althouth the Sun come out and showed its 
			Self at a bout 3 Oclock in the afternoon and continued to Shine out 
			untill or near half past five oclock from which it disappeared behind 
			a dark cloud and Soon became very cloudey and Still remained very 
			cloudey up to the time i went to bed and Still has the resemblance of 
			rain also. at any moment i were in doors tolerably close onley what 
			time i was feeding at a bout five oclock this evening i commenced to 
			prepare wood for night and morning then brought it in doors i then 
			Shucked corne and fed the Stock all to Walker as he was not up as i 
			had turned him out in the pasture to exercise him Self as he he had 
			Stood in the Stall untill he had become cold and chilley and in his 
			play he played off in to General Robertsons pasture i then come in 

                 	End of page.  
            		No other pages for 1898 were in the book

foreword   1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8   9   10   11   12   13   14  
15   16   17   18   19   20   21   22   23   24   25   26   27   28   29   30  


copyright 2003-09 Carol Costley Rabun and Harry Diamond Jr