W.E. Costley at home near Middle Bosque creek

		Tuesday October the 30th AD 1900 hunder opened up quite a cloudy morning wind from 
		the South much like a winter morning in appearance Thermemeter registers at 70  
		Degrees tempature at an earley hour this morning. We were out of bed quite earley 
		this morning clothes on readey for work but my wife complained of feeling rather 
		feble as she has been suffering a great deal with her teeth I built the fire in 
		the Stove after i had fed the fowls then my wife went to work to prepare the 
		mornings meal. after getting of it Served and on the table and announced ready 
		to be eat we Seated our Selves too the table and portaken of our mornings meal. 
		after we were through my wife taken care of her breakfast table and put evrything 
		in good Shape about the house She then milked the cows that was up too there calves 
		whilst i did the Schores a round the premises. the weather this morning are damp and 
		cool as through we would have a change in the weather cloud going from the South too 
		the north. Slowley but Shurely no faltering in the cloud path way of travail after 
		we were through with the work around the place we walked down too the Section house 
		taken too Turkey hen with us that we had Sold too old Lady Finnie Some time ago and 
		just delivering of them. After we arrived at the place we delivered the Turkeys to 
		the Old Lady Finnie then remained with the old folks for Some time Chatting upon 
		verrious questions and news a float in the country. I then departed too field to 
		get my teem after getting my teem too the lot i fed them. I then assisted my wife 
		about milking by bringing up the calves then watering of them I then diped the water 
		out of the barrel in order that i could get the wagon to hall wood with after i was 
		through i watered Judy at the barrel then Saddled walker and rode him too Middle 
		Bosque too water then back too my place again. then tied him too a post as it had 
		commenced to Showering of rain at intervals from the South. In a very Short while 
		my wife had her noons meal Served on the table and announced readey for too be eat. 
		So we Seated our Selves too the table and portaken of the Same. after getting through 
		with our meal my wife taken of the Same after getting through with our meal my wife 
		taken care of dinner table then put evry thing in good order for the next term of 
		eating whilst i taken a note of the labors that has been done on the premises up to 
		12-Oclock to day after Eating of of our meal i then went to work to chopping of a load 
		of wood on the road leading from my house on too the Bosque where it crosses the branch 
		in that direction after getting cut and piled i then walked too the house after 
		arriving at the house i found that a man named Baker were waiting for me to come So 
		he could get a load of rock to put under the foundation of his house. after Showing 
		him the rock he began to load and i come back too the house geered and hitched my 
		teem to the wagon then my wife and little John Costley and my Self mounted in the 
		wagon i then drove down to where i had cut the wood then loaded the wood in the 
		wagon and drove for my place of a bode after arriving at the place we all dismounted 
		from my wagon i then unloaded the wood afterwards i put my barrel on the wagon 
		then we all mounted in the wagon and dove for Middle Bosque to water the teem and 
		to hall a barrel of water after my teem had drank and i had filled the barrel with 
		water i then drove for my place after arriving at my place we dismounted from the
		wagon i then unhitched and ungeered my teem then taken them too my upper field and 
		turned them in to graze to night after fastening of the gates i walked back too the 
		house then assisted my wife in Staking her milk calves at the hay Stack. after 
		getting through with them i fed the fowls and hogs then prepared wood for the house 
		and Stove then brought it in doors at or near five Oclock this evening the clouds 
		began to thicken up in the north west and began to lighten and thunder as though 
		it mite rain the cloud and the lightning worked back in too the west passing at 
		this writing rather southward but the wind continues to blow Strong from the South 
		being Something near half past Seven Oclock at night fall Now as the days work is 
		finished . we will go too our beds of repose by first asking the Lord to gard and 
		protect us through the present night as he has through the day that has just passed 
		And when done with these frail bodys of ours to hand us down too our grave in peace 
		with the (Thee) and all man Kind and in heaven Save us is my prayer to night-Amen

                  W.E. Costley at home near middle Bosque creek
		Wednesday October the 31st AD 1900 hundred opened up quite a raw morning wind. at 
		an earley (hour) of to day was from the North west very cloudey and heavey raines 
		formed in the west traveling north then East and returning back too the South and 
		raining the greater part of the night of October the 30th 1900 hundred acompanied 
		with very  heavey Thunder and lightning the thermometer registers at 62  Degrees 
		tempature earley this morning with a prospect of more fallings weather. my wife 
		and John W.(W.E.) Costley and my Self were out of our bed of rest quite earley this 
		morning on the account of the dampness of the day but however at last we a rose from 
		our bed of Slumber clothed our person then wet (went) to work as usual. I built on a 
		fire in the fire place and my wife Kindled the fire in the Stove then went to work to 
		prepare the mornings meal for the familey whilst i did the feeding of the hogs and in 
		a very Short while my wife had the mornings meal Served and on the table readey for to 
		be eaten we then Seated our Selves to the table then portaken of our meal. when through 
		my wife taken care of her breakfast table then put evrything portaning to the table in 
		good order for the next meal then put her Sleeping department in good order. then 
		proceeded to milk her cows although it was very damp. with a high west wind. and very 
		cloudey whilst i brought my teem down to the lot then fed them. i then gave Some oat 
		Straw too the milk cows as they appear to be Some what hungry for Some thing to eat by 
		that time it was growing late past 12-Oclock PM in the evening at a late hour my wife 
		prepared a Snack as a noons meal after we had eat the Same i then caught curried then 
		Saddled Walker mounted on him and led Judy Mare to mide (middle) Bosque to water after 
		they had drank i tied Judy to Syamour tree untill i could ride over too Crawford after 
		my mail matters as i returned back home i brought her back with me. after arriving at 
		my place of a bode i dismounted from my horse unsaddled my horse then mounted on him 
		barback and rode too my upper field and turned them both in too graze i then walked 
		back too my house and done up the Schores aroud the premises preparing wood for fire 
		place and Stove and bringing of in doors to be handy . when neaded. then feeding of 
		the hogs was the last work to be  done on the premises to day. and as we eat a very 
		late dinner we do not want our evening (meal) what ever. there fore as my days work 
		is done we will go too our bed of repose by first asking the Lord to gard and protect 
		us through the present night as he has through the day just passed and gone and when 
		one with these frail bodys of ours to hand us down to our grave in peace with the 
		(Thee) and all man Kind and in heaven Save us is my prayer to night-Amen
        		W.E.Costley at home near Middle Bosque Creek
		Tuesday November the 20th AD 1900 hundred opened up 
		rather blustry with Some light Showers through the earley part of the 
		morning with Some heavey thunder accompaning the Showers wind from the 
		South The thermometer registers at an earley hour this morning at 60  
		Degrees tempature. the familey were out of bed quite earley this 
		morning Frank Billman built the fire in the fire place and in the Stove
		then my wife went to work and Soon prepared the mornings meal whilst 
		Frank Billman fed his horse then brought my teem down too the house in 
		order that i might have them handy to feed and water through the day 
		by the time he returned with the horses my wife had the mornngs meal 
		Served and on the table readey for to be eat we then Seated our Selves 
		to the table then portaken of the Same when through each and evry one.
		went too there Seperate work allotted to each one but my Self i Still 
		kept up my old trade. untill the dew rather blowed off i then fed my 
		teem and hogs also the calves and gathered Some turnups for our noons 
		meal then taken a rest for a bit. but my wife Kept on work(ing) as She 
		went to work to put on to cook the turnups and greens for the noons 
		meal and was very buisey untill She finished the meal and it was eat 
		after all were through and my wife had attended too her table as i was
		not able to ride horse back we put the geer on old Judy hitched her 
		too the buggy we then mounted our Selves in the buggy led Walker then 
		drove to Middle Bosque to water them after they had drank we then 
		drove back too our place ungeered old Judy i then fed them Some corn 
		then my wife went to work to make a comfort(er) to Keep her warm in 
		cold weather. and Spent the greater part of the evening working on the
		Same. at last untill She had to leave off one part of word (work) to 
		do another So She then milked her cows next by that time She had to go 
		to work to prepare the evenings meal. when She had it Served and on 
		the table She had to postpone the meal untill frank watered and put my 
		teem in the upper field to graze after he returned from the field he 
		then brought in doors wood for the Stove and fire place for night and 
		morning then we all portaken of our evenings meal, when through. my 
		wife taken care of her Supper table and put evry thing a way in good 
		Shape then moved in too our bed room by a good comfortable fire to 
		take a general rest those that had been hard at work to day, as to my 
		Self i was not to Say very tiard as i had not done a great deal to 
		make me tiard. but Suferin Some what a cross my back from my hert 
		(hurt) that i received on the Seventh of November AD 1900 hundred. 
		Mr Graves finished planting the piece of ground South of my house 
		late Tuesday Evening November the 20th 1900 planting wheat with a 
		drill. Then drove up to what is called M V Costley piece of ground 
		that She was going to have Sowed in wheat then turned out for to 
		day then left for his place of a bode. After the time come to retire 
		to our bed of repose we did So by first asking the Lord to gard and 
		protect us throug(h) the present night as he has through the day just 
		passed and gone. and when done with these frail bodys of ours to hand 
		us down to our grave in peace with the (Thee) and all man Kind and in 
		heaven Save us is my prayer to night - -Amen

            	W.E.Costley at home near Middle Bosque Creek
		Wednesday November the 21st 1900 hundred Opened up quite a foggy 
		morning atmosphere very heavey and damp wind Still from the. South 
		west Thermometer registers at an earley hour to day at 54  Degrees 
		tempature. the familey was out of bed quite Earley this morning 
		clothes on readey for work Frank Billman built the fires this morning. 
		Then my wife went to work and Soon had the mornings meal Served and 
		on the table readey for to be eat. we all Seated our Selves to the 
		table then portaken of our mornings meal. when through with the meal 
		the entire familey went to there dailey occupation Mr Graves to Sowing 
		wheat for my wife whilst Frank Billman brought my teem down from the 
		upper field for me he then went to School. Old man Wiseman went to 
		work at his rock work in the quary. and as too my wife She is Still 
		Knocking a at her house hole affares in order to Keep the balance 
		in good trim for buisiness Such as preparing the meals vituals for 
		the balance and attending to her house work and other affars around 
		the premises which is the hardest job of all for a mans work is from 
		Sun to Sun and a womans work is never done at or near 10 - Oclock i 
		taken a tin bucket walked down to the turnup patch and gathered a 
		mess of turnup-green for part of the noons meal then my wife and my 
		Self prepared the greens then put them on to cook. i then taken a 
		Strole up in too the field to See how Mr Graves were getting a long 
		drilling in wheat after arriving at the place i found that he was 
		alright just driving a head i then walked back to the house and fed 
		my teem So that ended my work untill we portaken of our noons meal 
		which was not a great while as we had to hold over the noons meal 
		untill Mr Grave finished Sowing wheat which he was in a manner done. 
		and did finish at a bout 12-Oclock noon to day then drove down to 
		the house then we all eat our noons meal after getting through with 
		our meal Mr Graves drove out for his place of a bode Mr Wiseman went 
		back to his Stone work and my wife and my Self attend to her dinner 
		table cleaning up and putting evrything portaining to the Kitchen 
		in good repare a gain. After resting for abit my wife and my Self 
		geered the teem hitched them too the wagon then mounted our Slelves 
		(selves) in the wagon then drove to the Bosque to water the teem 
		and to hall a barrel of water after returning back i ungeered the 
		teem then tied them up. then my wife went to work on her quilt a 
		gain. at or near one Oclock A.M.(P.M.) the wind Shifted too the 
		South west and become Some what cooler than it was or had been 
		for the last few days. I then churned the milk for my wife during 
		the time that She was piecing on her quilt after i was through with 
		the churning i then gave the milk calves some water by that time 
		the cows was up for milking Then my wife layed her work by and 
		milked them when She was through with the milking and her milk 
		put a way i then taken a Stroll down to the rock quary to where 
		the rock men were working and remained for a bit then returned 
		back too the house to assist my wife in prepareing our evenings 
		meal. as i was Still a invalid from my hert (hurt) that i 
		received on the Seventh of the present month 1900. fall term of 
		disasters to happen too the feble ones here on earth. which was 
		a great draw back on me as i had So much work on hand to do. at 
		present and now can not do any at all onley piddle a round 
		the premises. at first one Kind of work then a nother and So 
		on to pass off time for the present. at least unto up our night
		Schores my wife went to work prepareing of the evenings meal 
		whilst i brought in water to do night and morning and other 
		work a round the house. Frank Billman after he returned from 
		School Saddled Walker then mounted on him then rode down in to 
		Eds Botton field to run cattle out when he 
		returned he taken my teem too the upper field then turned them 
		in to graze to night So that ended the out door work for today. 
		we all then joined in and portaken of the Evenings meal when we 
		were through with our meal my wife then taken care of her Supper
		table and put evry.thing in good order with my assistance when 
		through we then moved in to our bed room and all had a Strong 
		argument on Education and my wife gained the victory a She 
		parched the coffee before going to bed and Stated to prove her 
		clain the argument that it taken a Stimulant, to make a Strong 
		nerve. Now as the coffee is parched and one and all Some what 
		tiard (tired) we will all retire to our bed of repose by first 
		asking the Lord to gard and protect us through the present night
		as he has through the day just past and gone. and when done with 
		these frail bodys of ours to hand us down to our grave in peace 
		with the (Thee) and all man Kind and in heaven Save us is my 
		prayer to night-Amen 

                 W.E.Costley at home near Middle Bosque 
		Thursday Nove (November) the 22th AD 1900 hundred Opened up 
		quite a clost warm cloudey morning wind from the South. The 
		thermometer registers at an earley hour to day at 68  Degrees 
		tempature. The familey in general were up out of there bed 
		of repose quite earley this Morning. and at there dailey 
		occupation my wife and i after Frank had built the fire in 
		the Stove Soon prepared the mornings meal after getting of it 
		Served and on the table we all Seated our Selves too the table 
		then portaken of the Same when through then my wife and my 
		Self taken care of the breakfast table, and put all wrigh (right) 
		for another meal then all went to there dailey occupation. 
		Frank Billman drove out for school whilst old man Wiseman went 
		to the Rockquary to working in Stone again I then fed my hogs 
		nd Milk 
	            W.E.Costley at home near Middle Bosque Creek
		Tuesday November the 20th AD 1900 hundred opened up rather blustry 
		with Some light Showers through the earley part of the morning with 
		Some heavey thunder accompaning the Showers wind from the South 
		The thermometer registers at an earley hour this morning at 60  
		Degrees tempature. the familey were out of bed quite earley this 
		morning Frank Billman built the fire in the fire place and in the 
		Stove then my wife went to work and Soon prepared the mornings meal 
		whilst Frank Billman fed his horse then brought my teem down too 
		the house in order that i might have them handy to feed and water 
		through the day by the time he returned with the horses my wife 
		had the mornngs meal Served and on the table readey for to be eat 
		we then Seated our Selves to the table then portaken of the Same 
		when through each and evry one. went too there Seperate work 
		allotted to each one but my Self i Still kept up my old trade. 
		Tuesday January the 1st AD 1901_ Opened up quite a cold freezing 
		morning very cloudey wind Still from the north and the clouds 
		resembles Sleet or Snow, The thermometer in the forenoon of to day 
		registered 26  Degrees tempature. Well this is the first day of a 
		nother new year that we that (are) a live have lived to See and we 
		offer our prayers up to the higher powers for the blessings comfort 
		and health that he has bestowed on us as a familey ever feeling 
		thankful to god (God) for the Same and here will offer up a prayer 
		of compassion too the Lord for the incoming year for ninteen 
		hundred and one.

		 A prayer of Compassion to be offered for the incoming year Gracious 
		Father be unto us all what we need most. We must find the heart that 
		warms all things or we Shall die in darkness And have no more hope. 
		e Know not what life is except that it is pain, Strugle a blossom that
		never comes to fruition, a grave that is never Satisfied untill we come
		to Christ and hear his Sweet words of love When we See the Father then 
		we hear the voice in the cloud then we Know that the Storms are but 
		driving us home. Lord abide with us comfort us with exceeding comfort 
		lest we be Swallowed up of Sorrow Thou Knowest how our vows have been 
		broken and our prayers have been plucked back from heaven with out 
		answer and with out blessing. Have compassion on us and work out in 
		us all the ways of thine own love, Cry unto us by all the ministries 
		of nature and especially Speak to us but the Still Small voice of the 
		Spirit Saying that our iniquities are pardened . We would leave our 
		necesities as our unspoken prayer. Not what we want in our ignorance 
		but what we really requite for our Spiritual nourishment and disciplin 
		and perfecting, do through in thy great mercey, give us this day from 
		heaven __Amen__

	        W.E. Costley at home Now my wife was out of her bed of repose 
		quite earley this morning Kindled the fire in the fire place then i 
		a rose from my bed of rest we then clothed our person then  my wife 
		prepared the the morning meal after it was Served and readey for to 
		be eat we the(n) eat our mornings meal in front of a good fire in our 
		bed room as it was too cool to eat in the dining room. when we were 
		through with our morning meal, i then fed my teem hogs and milk calves 
		then prepared corn to feed the fowels. then after my wife had put a 
		way her dishes She then fed the fowls as She thought i was too 
		extravagance in feeding. at or near Eleven Oclock Lum Costley returned 
		home from his tramp that he has taken through Christmas week which he 
		reports of having a nice time at or near 12 _ Oclock noon one of Mrs 
		Louis Billman Daughters come to Spend the day with us and to get my 
		wife to assist her in making of a new frock.  So they went to work 
		in cutting out and Sewing pieces to gether in order to get it in Shape 
		to Soot the party. Now at this writing it is a bout too-Oclock in the 
		after noon and Still very cloudey and not much of any change in the 
		weather Still freezing but the North wind not quite so Strong as 
		earley this morning and  at about half past too-Oclock in the 
		Evening my wife began to prepare the Evenings meal after getting of 
		it Served and on the table and announced readey to be eat we then 
		Seated our Selves too the table then portaken of the Same after 
		getting through with the meal then my wife taken care of her dinner 
		table and put her dining room in good order again then her and Miss 
		Maud Billman went to work on the frock that they were making. whilst 
		i watered my teem at middle Bosque then brought them back and fed 
		them at the lot. At the Same time Lum Costley had gone to Crawford to 
		purchase Some Shugar (sugar) for his mama to bake him a pound cake on 
		the first day of January 1901 hundred and one and also to have a nice 
		egnog (eggnog) which they did. after they or rather my wife and Miss 
		maude Billman portaken of the feast also Lum costley and my Self. 
		given by Lum Costley Miss Billman departed to her place of a bode 
		whilst Lum costley walked over too Crawford to finish out his 
		Christmas. as this is the last day being a new year to begin on 
		which left my wife and my Self a lone to paddle our own canoo.(canoe) 
		after they left my wife milked her cows after She was through we then 
		fed the Stock as usual after getting through as we was not wanting any 
		Supper as we had dined late my wife went to work to Sewing on the young 
		Miss Billmans frock again whilst i brought in night wood for night and 
		morning to have it handy too the fire place, as it is very cold. and 
		disagreeable looks in appearance like it might Snow and that Soon, this
		is after night fall of January the 1st 1901 hundred & one. Now as we are
		about through with our dailey work we will go too our bed of repose by 
		first asking the Lord to gard and protect us in the future as he has in 
		the past, and when done with these frail bodys here on earth, to hand us 
		down to our grave in peace with the (Thee) and all man Kind and in heaven 
		Save us is my prayer to night __ Amen

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copyright 2003-09 Carol Costley Rabun and Harry Diamond Jr