Sept. 7-10,1900

              		W.E.Costley at home near Middle Bosque Creek north
		  side Friday September the 7th AD 1900 hundred opened up quite a nice 
		  cool morning Some few clouds to be Seen in the elements rather cool  
		  earley in the morning Thermometer registers at Seven o clock (in the) 
		  morning at 68  Degrees tempature. we were out of our bed of repose 
		  quite earley this morning in order to pen our turkeys before they 
		  Started a way from the place as they go Strait to the Railroad after 
		  pening of them my wife went to work to preparing of our morning meal 
		  in a very Short while She had it Served and on the table and announced 
		  readey for to be eat So we Seated our Selves too the table then portaken 
		  of the meal when through i walked up in too the upper field then brought 
		  my teem down too the house and fed them then with the help of my wife 
		  i loaded my oats on the wagon that i intended to hall too Crawford and 
		  did hall them there for Charley Standifer as i had Sold to him after 
		  waying of them. i taken too the Keeting old house and young Reeves and my 
		  Self unloaded the contents in the old Keeting house near the Cambellight 
		  Church. after we were through i drove back in town got me a cool drink of 
		  water then mounted in my wagon then drove for my place of abode after 
		  arriving at home i ungeered my teem then fed them. I then come in door 
		  washed my hands and face to cool my Self off i then taken a rest untill 
		  my wife could prepare our noon  meal which did not take her a great 
		  while. not over thirty minutes at least. after getting of it Served and 
		  on the table we then Seated our Selves too the table then portaken of the 
		  Same when through my wife taken care of her dinner table and put 
		  everything in good order about her Kitchen and dining room when 
		  through She then taken a Short rest... then went to churning of the milk 
		  that she had on hand whilst i went to wor (work) to record the weather 
		  and labor that has been done on the premises and a way from home the wind 
		  Since earley this morning has changed to the north East and Some what 
		  cloudey but pleasant to what it has been for Several days back although 
		  the Thermometer registers a way up yaunder at too - oclock today it 
		  Stood at 94  Degrees tempature today one year ago at too - oclock the
		  Thermometer Stood at about 90 Degrees tempature making Some little 
		  difference in the tempature of the too terms one in advance of the other
		  the wind one year ago was from the South come up a cloud late in the 
		  evening from the north but passed off with out raining in my Settlement 
		  or any where a near me. and to day not one bit of Signe of rain 
		  the Sun Sit clear and bright at or near 3 - oclock this evening i put the 
		  Saddle on walker then mounted on him than rode out through  my farm to my 
		  east gate too my farm to where i Struck the Crawford and Gatesvill(e) road 
		  i then travailed Said road untill i come to Dock Coffmans pasture gate at 
		  the north corner of my farm i then lit from my horse then opened the gate 
		  of said pasture i entered there in then Shut the gate mounted on my horse 
		  a gain then rode over Said pasture looking for a bunch of turkeys that had 
		  Strayed off. but could See nothing of them. So i returned back to the Same 
		  gate opened and come out on too the public road again after Shutting of 
		  the gate i mounted my horse i then at that point of the road made a turne 
		  travailed due west untill i come too the north corner of my pasture being 
		  a gate established at that point there i entered in taking a round in my 
		  pasture looking for my wifes turkeys as i come home but Seen nothing of 
		  then (them) when i arrived at my place i unsaddled my horse put the geer 
		  on him then caught and geered his mate hitched them too the wagon then put 
		  my water barrel in the wagon by that time my wife had returned from old 
		  Lady Finnies to where She had gone in my absence in Serch of the turkeys 
		  but found no trace of them we then mounted in the wagon i then drove to 
		  middle Bosque to water my teem and to hall a barrel of water after my 
		  teem drank and i had filled the barrel with water, i then drove out too 
		  my place of a bode. after arriving at the place we dismounted from my 
		  wagon then my wife began taking water out of the barrel and watering of 
		  her fowls. whilst i ungeered my teem then led them too my upper field 
		  then turned them in too graze i then walked back too my house prepared 
		  feed and fed all of the fowls So that ended the out door work for to day. 
		  My wife prepared the evenings meal, when Served  and on the table and 
		  announced readey for to be eat, We a lone seated our Selves down too 
		  our table then portaken of the Same when through my wife taken care of her 
		  Suppertable putting everything in good order again then taken a rest for 
		  She was very much wearried from her days labor for too day whilst i 
		  finished up recording of the Same. Now as our days work finished we 
		  will close the lids of this book, and go too our bed of repose by first 
  		  asking the Lord to gard and protect us through the present night as he 
		  has through the day just passed and gone, and when done with these frail 
		  bodys of ours to hand us down to our grave in peace with the (Thee) and 
		  all man Kind and in heaven Save us is our prayer to night - Amen
                 	  W.E. Costley at home near Middle Bosque creek
		  Saturday September the 8th 1900 hundred opened up quite a cool morning 
		  wind from the east earley in the morning Some Some what cloudey in the 
		  South east. Thermometer registers at and earley hour this morning at 74   
		  Degrees tempature we a rose quite earley from our bed of repose in order 
		  to be readey to pen the turkeys when they come off of there roost after 
		  penning of the turkeys my wife then went to work to prepare the mornings 
		  meal whilst i gathered Some corn to Shell to go to mill as i taken a load 
		  of wheat to C. A. Standifer at Crawford  after i arrived at Crawford 
		  the wheat was Sold to mr Marks at 60 and one fourth cents per bushel, 
		  i then had the load waid then drove too the depot to unload in a box car 
		  after Tom Richardson and William Nun unloaded my wagon for me as i was 
		  not able to handle the Sacks of wheat after they were through i thanked 
		  them Kindley for there Services render unto me then drove back up in town 
		  unhitched my horses the tied them up untill i could find Some Sweet 
		  potatoes to (for) Sell as i wanted to by Some to eat after finding Some 
		  i purchased all that murchant Graham had which was a half of bucket full 
		  gave fifteen cents for the Same After he put them up in a paper Sack. then 
		  taken them and put them in my wagon after nocking a round for a bit i then 
		  hitched up my teem mounted in my wagon then drove for my place of abode. 
		  Coming a round by the beef trail as that was the Smoothest road, after 
		  arriving at home i ungeered my teem then put my Saddle on Walker then 
		  mounted him and rode back to Crawford to get Some wheat Sacks that i could 
		  not get empted whilst were in Town i had an eye to it, that there was going 
		  to come a Series of rain and did not want to be caught on that Side of the 
		  Creek with my wagon and teem and So there were after returning from Crawford 
		  it began to rain on me just this side of the Bosque creek i make out to feed 
		  my teem after driving at home before it began to rain hard but when it did 
		  Set in there was no Stop to it before departed to my bed of repose. after we 
		  eat our evenings meal my wife attended too her Suppertable put evry thing 
		  a way that was used on the table a bout eating in good order then taken a 
		  Short rest untill i could finish recording the actions of our labor through 
		  the day and discription of the weather to day now it is nine oclock at 
		  night and Still pooring down rain from the east So as we are through with 
		  the days toil we will depart to our bed of repose by first asking the Lord 
		  to gard and protect us through the present nigh as he has through the day 
		  just past and gone. and when done with these frail bodys of ours to hand us 
		  down to our grave in peace with the (Thee) and all man Kind and in heaven 
		  Save us is my prayer to night - Amen
             		   W.E. Costley at home near the middle Bosque creek 
		  Sunday the Lords day we are commanded to Keep it holey to neither work 
		  nor play. September the 9th AD 1900 hundred Opened up quite a gloomey 
		  morning heavey Sturdy rain  from the east also a heavey wind Some time 
		  the rain and wind would shift too the North it has rained the last past 
		  night Sturdy Scarsley ceased raining aliring (file179) the night and 
		  Still raining this morning and it Seems to look at the future prospects 
		  of the weather it is likely to continue to rain for Some time yet. The 
		  drouth is certainly broke up with a ceries (series) of rain from the 
		  east and north East beginning on the evening of September the 8th 1900 
		  at a bout Six oclock PM of Said day and is Still raining and blowing 
		  from the east it being at the present 8-oclock of September the 9th 1900 
		  AM and has no appearance of ceasing to rain if anything it increases in 
		  its force to rain and to blow from the north at this writing and the wind 
		  is increasing at a rapid rate a pirfect Storm raiging. we were out of bed 
		  quite late this morning as it was too wet to Stir out but however we arose 
		  a bout Seven Oclock this morning clothed our Selves then did nothing from 
		  Some time on the acount of the weather being so Severe and so wet. but at a
		  bout Eight oclock my wife began to prepare the mornings meal but She had 
		  Some trouble to encounter with on the account of being So wet. but however 
		  after so long a time She made it all wright She Succeeded in Serving her 
		  mornings meal after getting of it cooked and placed on the table we then 
		  Seated our Selves too the table then portaken of the same after we were 
		  through with our mornings meal my wife taken care of her breakfast table 
		  and put evry thing about the dining room in good order for the day. then 
		  no more could be done out doors for it Still continued to rain from the eat 
		  (East) and the wind is still blowing at a raped rate a pirfect Storm and 
		  has been ever since last night at night fall and rained with out ceasing 
		  up to the present moment being 10 minutes past one oclock in the evening 
		  and the wind is increasing blowing Something Simular to a Storm. The rain 
		  and wind has been in action for about nineteen hours The wind is very 
		  Strong all fom (from) the East and at some of its periods of blowing it 
		  almost baffles a house to Stand against its force when it comes in Such 
		  hard blasts or puffs my wife has been bothered a great deal a bout her 
		  Specks this afternoon as She layed them off to comb her hare She does not 
		  Know what she did with them and She has ramsacked the house ove (over) 
		  and can not Start them no where whatever. there is Something Singular 
		  what She could have done with them and not being out of the house during the 
		  time She was engaged at combing of her head layed them a way and knows no 
		  where at or near three oclock it Showed Some light in the South east as 
		  though it mite brake off but apparently the wind gets Stronger and have 
		  Shifted farther too the South. I prepared wood a bout that time to make 
		  a fire in the fireplace it was a bout all that i could do to stand up to 
		  chopp the wood for the wind that was blowing pirfect Storm and has been 
		  for a bout 22 hours and the Storm of wind Still going on during the time 
		  that i was preparing the wood i turned the calves out with there mamma 
		  as it was too wet for my wife to milk them i then fed my hogs for the 
		  first time to day they had become to be very hungry but i could not get 
		  out to feed them on the account of the weather my wife began to prepare 
		  our noons meal at a late hour as she could not cook on the Stove on the
		  account of the wind blowing down the pipe of the Stove, and filling the 
		  cook room full of Smoke. So She prepared the meal on the fireplace for 
		  the first time Since last Spring. After She had Served our meal. we 
		  then eat it Texas fashion the best way that we could, but before eating 
		  i fed my teem again. As i had not fed them but once to day ater (after) 
		  we was through with our meal we then taken a nother rest Spell as it as 
		  the Sabbath day and a day for rest. After resting for about too hours i 
		  then watered and fed the teem a gain after they were throug eating i 
		  then put my horse bell on Redbird taken him a cross the branch North 
		  of my house then turned him loose with the Shetlin poney and the mule 
		  Peter i then taken a walk out on then Prairie to See about a a part of 
		  the fence that was not very good and was fearful that it was blown down
		  as one post was out of the ground but when i arrived at the Spot i found 
		  the fence all right. But in in travailing to the place i found too trees 
		  had blowed down across my wire fence at the Birdwell camp but i could do 
		  nothing with it with out and ax So i left it come too the house then fed 
		  and watered the hogs i then prepared fireplace wood as we could not use the 
		  Stove when the wind was So hing (?high) after bringing of it in i then 
		  went to work to finish recording of the labors of the day also the weather 
		  and its many changes through the day the wind has blowed like a Stom (storm) 
		  ever Since last night at night fall and has Some what ceased blowing So 
		  raped this morning earley the wind was from the east and just before noon
		  to day the wind Shifted too the north. and about fore Oclock it made a 
		  Skipp over too the South and at this writing it remains Still in the south
		  but ceased raining at a bout Six Oclock this evening making the Storm lasted 
		  about 24 hours from the direction that i have made mention of in too days 
		  record. i devoted a good deal of my time this evening in reading of the new 
		  Testament and find it to be a noble work of God my wife has been very buisey 
		  to day attending too her house hold buisiness and young fowls to keep them a 
		  live and from drowning. No (now) as we are through with our daileyn labor, 
		  we will go too our bed of repose by first asking the lord to gard and 
		  protect us through the present night as he has through the day just and 
		  gone. And when done with these frail bodys of ours to hand us down too our 
		  grave in peace with (Thee) and all man Kind and in heaven Save 
		  us is my prayer to night - Amen 

    	  to night being Sunday night it has Stormed and rained from the east 
		  South and north for 24 hours with consider rain and wind and Still going on                                                 
              		  W.E. Costley at home on Middle Bosque creek
		  Monday September 10th opened up quite a nice morning the clouds had blowed a 
		  way and be come clear and nice. Acording to the old and very true saying it 
		  will not remaine Settled weather a great while when it clears off at night. 
		  The wind is from the South this morning pleasant enough earley in the fore 
		  noon The thermometer at half past Seven oclock registers 70   Degrees 
		  tempature. we were out of bed quite late this morning as Lum Costley came 
		  in from Waco night at eleven oclock and rousted us up from our Slumber.  
		  then we were late getting off to Sleep a gain So that was the occasion for 
		  my wife and my Self rising late but when we did get out of bed we clothed 
		  our Selves and then went to work in earnest i prepared my Stove wood and fed 
		  my teem whilst she served the morning meal. when it was served placed on the 
		  table and announced readey for to eat Lum Costley and my wife and my Self 
		  Seated our Selves to the table then portake of our meal when through with 
		  the morning meal my wife taken care of her breakfast table.  whilst i begun 
		  to record the mornings work.  which makes quite a change in the to days record.
		  Lum Costley will go back to Maddoxs this morning to pick cotton after i was 
		  through with job of writing i then cought Saddled Walker mounted on him taken 
		  my ax then rode up to the bird well camp north from my house dismounted 
		  taken the Saddle off my hore (horse) then Staked him out on the grass. I then 
		  went to work to chopping up a couple of trees that the Storm on yesterday had 
		  blown down on my wire fence after getting through i then put the Saddle on my 
		  horse then mounted on him and rode back to my residence lit from my horse put 
		  the haulter on Redbird then mounted on my horse and led Redbird over to Crawford 
		  to turn over to Jourdan the Drugist for Standifer as i had Sold him to C. A. 
		  Standifer for Sixty five Dollars after Delivering to Jourden.  he ast (ask) me 
		  to take and put him in his lot near the Cambellite church which i did. i then 
		  rode down to Jourdan mill to See whether they had ground my turn of corn or 
		  not there were no one at home or at least at the mill So i rode down into 
		  Crawford and obtain my mail and whilst i was at W.S. Tadlocks Store i 
		  received the sad news of So many pursons (persons) being drowned in the 
		  Galveston bay on yesterday during the heavey gale too hundred in number. 
		  or more which was a very Sad occurance to take place in Such a Short 
		  warning.  but how ever if it is the LordS will thine be done i then walked 
		  over to Sam Clarys Saddle Shop - and converSed with him for a while then taken 
		  a walk down to the Jourm (German) mill again by that time the hands had come in. 
		  then and there i received the newS that they would not be able to grind to day 
		  as the the mashenry (machinery) was out of repare and it would be imposible 
		  to grind too day.  So i returned back to W. S. Tadlocks mounted on my horse 
		  then rode for my place of a bode after arriving. at home i taken my Saddle off 
		  of my horse then fed him Some Sheaf oats. i come in doors washed my hands and 
		  face then taken a rest untill my wife could prepare our noons meal which was 
		  not a great while untill i was called to my meal from which i responded to the 
		  call we then Seated our Selves to the table then portaken of our meal being 
		  four oclock in the after noon of to day after we were through with our meal 
		  my wife went to work to wash and put a way her dishes cupps and Saucer Knives 
		  and fork then put her Kitchen in order for the balance of the day whilst i fed 
		  my horse a few ears of corn i then come in doors taken in hand then went too 
		  work a gain recording the days work and and also the weather when my horse was 
		  through eating i cought and Saddled him then rode out in too the pasture to 
		  drive up the cows and calves and Old Judy mare as i wanted to feed her So she 
		  would get Strong enough to do good pulling as i have to work her. i found the 
		  mare then drove her up i also found the cows but did not get then all to the 
		  pen as they seperated in the botton (bottom) and i did not get them to gather 
		  any more So i drove one bunch through to the pen my wife pened them whilst i 
		  rode back too the Bosque bluffs to look for the balance of them but i could 
		  not jump them up any more as it was getting. too late in the evening. So i rode 
		  back home unsaddled my horse then fed him i then put my halter on Judy brought 
		  her in side and fed her Some corn for the first time this fall when done eating 
		  i turned her out too graze. I the come in doors and finished up recording of 
		  our days labor and the weather it was some what cloudey late this evening like 
		  there might be more falling weather. Now as our days work is finished we will 
		  depart too our bed of repose by first asking the Lord to gard and protect us 
		  through the present night as he has through the day just passed a way and when 
		  done with these frail bodys of ours to hand us down to our grave in peace with 
		  the (Thee) and all man kind and in heaven Save us is my prayer to night  Amen-
		    The thermometer at four oclock this evening September the 10th 1900 hundred 
		  Registered 88 Degrees tempature.

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copyright 2003-09 Carol Costley Rabun and Harry Diamond Jr