Continuation of 1884 GATESVILLE SUN

that this was in reply to the utterances of a Brooklyn Carter's lumber yard is still at the same place, corner member. Gen. Logan was also one of the managers of the Main and Ninth streets and as solid as Gibraltar. Don't impeachment trial of Andrew Johnson. The Republicans forget it when you come to town. did not control the legislature of Illinois in 1877, For DYSPEPSIA and liver complaint, you have a printed and Judge davis, of the United States Supreme court, was guarantee on every bottle of Shiloh's Vitalizer. It never ejected as an Independent to succeed Mr. Logan in the fails to cure. Y. S. Jenkin's Senate . But two years later Gen. Logan was chosen to Mr. W. S. Gillespie expects to start Friday for Hot Spings succeed Richard G. Oglessby, who is this year the Arkansas on a visit to relatives and friends. We hope that his Republican candidate for governor, Mr. Logan's term stay may be pleasant and his return safe. expires next March. He has taken an active part in the SHILOH'S CATARRAH REMEDY-------positive cure for Catarrah, debates of the Senate and he has been noticeably been diptheria, and Canker Mouth. Y. S. Jenkin's, wholesale and of the soldier during his public career. At the present retail agent. time he stands at the head of the Senate committee on If you want to go north or east you can save money by military affairs, and second on the judiciary committee. buying a through ticket of Mr. E.O.Vaughn at the depot. He Gen. Logan has never been accused of stealing or will give you all necessary information. accepting bribes, and this can be said of so few men THE REV. GEO. H. THAYER, of Bourbon, Ind., says: "Both of his party that we hasten to give the proper credit. myself and wife owe lives to SHILOH'S CONSUMPTION CURE," He is a man of violent partisianship and with him the Y. S. Jenkin's wholesale and retail agent. claims of his party are above law and constitution. Prosecuting Attorney fakes received a letter from Jonesboro While Senator he voted to consumate the Monumental Fraud. Monday stating several persons had been arrested for assault _____________________________________ and the trials will be had on Saturday. Little Frank Mudd, aged seven months, swallowed an inch Some Serious Questions. screw last Friday afternoon. Some apprehenson was felt, but Do you experience a growing tendency to billiousness? the next day he was as well as ever. Are you becoming more nervous than you need to be? Do Nordyke & Marmon Co.'s mill expert is now making headquarters you find yourself getting weak without knowing why? These with their state agents, Drane, Johnson Drane, of Corsicana, things are all red flags ------danger signals. They warn Texas, and gives his personal attention to all inquirers. you of greater maladies coming. One bottle of Parker's Burt and Hope have a splendid line of staple and fancy Tonic now will scatter these sympton. It acts gently, groceries. They want everbody to come and pick out just what surely, and without pain, on the stomach, liver, kidneys they want. Don't wait, for you may regret it. and blood. ARE YOU MADE miserable by Indigestion, Constipation, Dizziness, ____________________________________ Loss of appetite, Yellow Skin? Shiloh's Vitalizer is a postive cure. Y. S. Jenkins, whole and retail agent. Mother's Corner by the Fire We noticed that excellent saddle of Baylor Fauntleroy, How sacred is the corner by the household fire where which was put up by Moore and Parks. The work is splendid sits the aged mother, surrounded and cherished by sons and every part shows the skill of good workmen. or daughters who look upon her as she once looked upon Dr. Jackson's Root and Herb Cordial cures Female Diseases, them---as a little child crowned with the wisdom of restores lost energy to old people and increases the vigor of experience. "My mother." writes Rev. J.W.Phelps, pastor the young. For sale by Y. S. Jenkins. of St. Paul's, Chicago, "wishes me to say Collins' Ague Cure, for Chills and Fever, Dumb Ague and all that she has found Parker's Tonic the most effective the kindred diseases, is surpassed by none, sold at 50 cents article one has ever used for a system debilitated by per bottle warranted. For sale by Y. S. Jenkins. malaria. She adds that it aids digestion and over comes If you are wanting anything done in the line of buggy or exhaustion." hack trimming, remember that Moore and Parks are giving special ________________________________ attention to this line of work and they guarantee satisfaction at Waco prices. LOCAL MATTERS Miss Inez Gardner will return to her home in Tennessee to-day, _________________________________ accompanied by her cousin, Miss Maude. We hope her reco- lections of Texas will always be pleasant to Miss Inez. Our Carter's lumber is the best. best wishes accompany them, and may their journey be safe and pleasant. Col. Anderson went to Austin Monday. The school directors met at Jenkin's drug store last Thursday evening. After a pretty full discussion of matters pertaining Mr. John Felrath went to Waco Monday. to school interests it was the unanimous sentiment that the school district should embrace the whole town and an average of We will publish the scab law next week. two miles of the adjacent country. It was also considered that a school tax was necessary. Of this we will speak more fully The weather is warm and the farmers busy. in the future. _________________________________ Go to Burt & Hope's for your family groceries. For lame Back, Side or Chest use Shiloh's Porous Plaster. Mr. W. D. Shaw, late of the Hamilton Times, price 25 cents. Y. S. Jenkin's, wholesale and retail agent. is in town. _________________________________ The past week has been a fair business week NOTICE in Gatesville. I am putting up a Steam Patent Feather Renovator in my house on main street fronting Mrs. Jone's Hotel. Ladie's and gent- A train came in Saturday night with cattle lemen are requested to come and see its great advantage to from Arkansas. their sleeping appartment. J. B. Wills __________________________________ We regret to learn that Mrs. Thomas B. Saunders is seriously ill. C. T. Reynolds, the druggist, is always looking after the interest of his customers, he has now secured of the Mrs. M. F. Cayce, of Jonesboro, is visiting sale of Dr. Rosanko's cough and lung syrup, a remedy that her children here. never fails to cure coughs, colds, pains in the chest and lung affections. For proof try a free sample bottle. The hook and ladder outfit arrived from Chicago Regular size, 50 cents and $1.00. last Thursday. _________________________________ Mr. H.P Cayce and his son, William, of Jonesboro were in Gatesville yesterday. O F F E R S F O R If you want good lumber call at Carter's yard 904} and you will not be disappointed. 572} Acres of Land granted A. J. Trask. 312} The new announcements will be noticed next week; 328} want of space prevents this week. Cash or half cash will be received by DE CORDOVA & SON The Advance entered on its third volume last week. Austin, Texas We extend to it our best wishes. As good line of groceries as can be found is kept at the excellent store of Burt and Hope. Some communications came in rather late and were crowded out. They will appear next week. Mrs. J.C. Green died Saturday, after a long illness. Our sympathies with the afflicted family. Jim Redden caught buffalo fish weighing twenty- three pounds in the Leon above the bridge last week. Mrs. John Felrath has one of the prettiest pets that we know of, a young fawn that was caught last week on the Cowhouse. The West Texas Land and Investment company is a safe and sure place to put your loose cash. Books open for open for subscription. An eighteen month old son of Mr. Jerome Squyers died yesterday morning from drinking coal oil, after an illness of twelve hours. Sheriff Lanham brought in Sunday and lodged in jail one Henry Underwood, who was indicted by the last grand jury for burglary. Mr W.A.Dabbs returned from a visit to Commaanche Friday evening. Mr. Cumby who accompanied him, returning the next day on the train. There is a petition in circulation for subscriptions to improve the public highway between here and Coryell City. We do hope the people will give sufficient to make it a first-class, for in its present condition one can hardly get through.

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