continuation of 1884 GATESVILLE SUN


Published every Wednesday by


MR. TILDEN DECLINES New York--June 11--the following communication from Samuel J. Tilden has been given to the associated Press; New York June 10, 1884. To Daniel Manning, Chairman of the Democratic Convention of New York. In my letter of June 18, 1880, addressed to the COPPERAS COVE delegates from the state of New York to the demo- Physicians have decided to amputate the injured limb. cratic convention, I said: Having now borne faith Wheat harvesting is progressing rapidly and the yield fully my full share of labor and care in the public is in every respect highly satisfactory. Your service and wearing the marks of its burdens, I correspondent in company with J.S.Clements, one of desire nothing so much as an honorable discharge. copperas Cove's best young men, had the pleasure of I wish to lay down the honors and toils of even attending rescherche entertainment at the residence of quasi-party leadership and to seek the repose of Mr. and Mrs J.R.Laynes, seven miles north of this place. private life. In renouncing the re-nomination for Mr. W.J.Wilson of this neighborhood has a child lying the presidency I do so with no doubt in my mind as very low with fever. Since writing the above we are to the vote of the state of New York or of the informed that the child is dead. United States, but because I believe that it is a PUFF STUFF renunciation of re-election to the presidency. To ____________________________________________________ those who think my renomination and re-election Three weeks ago we placed at the head of our indispensable, to an efficient vendication of the editorial page the names of the old ticket as right of the people to elect their rulers, violated our choice for President and Vice-president. The in my person, I have accorded as long a reserve on my reasons for our preferences were then briefly decision as possible, but I cannot overcome my given; the reason of its expression at that time my repugnance to enter anew into an engagement which May now be given. The influence of a country news- involves four years of ceaseless toil. The dignity of paper in shaping the course of national politics the presedental office is above the merely personal at best little above zero. But an expression, no ambition, but it creates in me no illusion. It's matter how humble, is a duty when it becomes a value is a great power for good to the country. I factor, no matter how slight, in determining the said this four years ago in accepting the nomination. vote of the people. We were prompted by just such Knowing as I do therefore, from fresh experience, a consideration. We had then no adequate measure how great the experience is between gliding through of gauging the whole public sentiment and the wide an official routine and working out the form of spread and almost unanimous preference for Tilden systems and politics, it is impossible for me to was not then revealed. The SUN since it came under contemplate what needs to be done in the federal the present management will readily see that, administration without an anxious sense of the although our political views have never been difficulties of the undertaking. If summoned by the officially obtruded on the public, but always with suffrages of my countrymen to attempt this work, I that modest reserve due to the situation, our shall endeavor with God's help to be the efficient declaration in favor of Tilden and Hendricks was instrument of their will. Such a work of renovation, in perfect harmony with our record. It is in no after many years of misrule, such as the form of spirit of claiming any political sagacity that we systems and policies to which I would cheerfully have mention these things. Our course would have been sacrificied all that remains to me of health and life, the same, even under the consiousness that we stood is now, I fear, beyond my strength. My purpose to alone. Mr. Tilden has written a letter declining to retire from public service and the grounds of it were be a candidate. Whether the party will consider at that time well known to you and others, and when, in this final or not, we shall not inquire. We will Cincinnati, though respecting my wishes yourself, you not discuss its propriety or its policy. Our communicated to me an appeal to many valuable friends policy has been served. to relinquish that purpose, I reiterated my determination ------------------ unconditionally. In the four years which have since GUSH VERSUS PRINCIPLE. elapsed nothing has occured to weaken but everything to Ft. Worth June 11 strengthen the considerations which induced my with- To the editor of the Gazette: drawal from public life. To all who have addressed me To a calm considerate mind the accuracy of the on the subject my intention has been frankly communicated. Democracy through the present Texas convention, is Several of my most confidential friends under the not activated by strict principle as it is by the sanction of their names have published my determination tenacious clinging of a lost cause. A few months to be irreversible. That I have occasion now to ago Tilden had but few Texas supporters; last night consider the question is an event I have no responsibility. the state convention instructed for him. All form- The appeal made to me by the Democratic masses, with ulations for tariff revenue principles are drowned apparent unanimity, to serve them once more is entitled by a wild relentless inconsiderate gush over a wrong to the most deferential consideration to do anything which could be righted as well by a live progressive desired of me if it were consistent of my judgement of man like Thurman as well as it could under a rattling that duty. I believe there is no instrumality in human of dry Tildenic bones. Cool calm consideration of society as potent in its influences upon mankind for the principles which we look to lead us to victory good or evil as the government machinery for administring should outweigh the wild and relentness enthusiasm justice and for making and executing laws. Not all the over any man; and the party has often had cause to elemosynary institutions of private condolence to which repent of such rashness. philanthropists may devote their lives are so fruitful J.B.Cranfill in their benefits as the rescue and preservation of this delegate from Coryell County machinery from the perversions that make it the instrument The above was doubtlessly written at a time when our of conspiracy, fraud and crime against the sacred rights contemporary was labouring under the influence of an and interests of the people. For 50 years as a private irate spleen and took this method of giving vent to citizen, never contemplating an official career, I have his feelings. The act of the convention was not one devoted at least as much thought and effort to the duty of gush; but one who that had received the most profound of influencing aright the the action of the governmental consideration of every man composing that convention instutions of my country, as to all other subjects. I have before they assembled. Party principles were not never accepted official service except for a brief period "forgotten for the man." Every principle, for the good for a short purpose, and only when the occasion seemed to of the people and the party, was well considered, and require from me that sacrifice of private preferences to the convention felt that the principles of the party, the public welfare. I undertook the state administration which should be next the heart of every true Democrat of New York because it was supposed in that way only found a true and living embodiment in the sage of could the executive power be arrayed on the side of the Gramercy. Actuated by this belief and an ever burning reforms to which as a private citizen, I had given three desire to right the wrong of 1876, the convention de- years of my life. I accepted the nomination for the pres- cided to instruct for Tilden, and had not his letter idency in 1876, because of the general conviction that declining to have his name used for the place again, my candidacy would best present the issue of reform which been received, there is no doubt but that he would be the Democratic majority of the people desired to have nominated at Chicago by acclimation and his seating at marked, but in the general government, as it has been in the presedential chair in 1885. Does it read as if his the state of New York, I believed that I had strength letter came from other than a master mind? Does it sound enough then to renovate the administration of the govern- as though a voice from the graved? No sir! Even in ment of the United States, and at the close of my term declining the honors that were about to be bestowed to hand over the great trust to a successor faithful to ;upon him the great work of the master mind is manifest. the same policy. Tho anxious to seek the repose of a In voting upon that matter in the convention I desire private life, I nevertheless I acted upon the idea that to say that I had the honor of casting one and one-half every power is a trust and involves a duty. In reply to votes of my constituency of Coryell county. W.E.B. the address of the committee communicating the New York _______________________________________________________ nomination I depicted the difficulties of the (cont'd)

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