A few words of explanation concerning terms used in these transcriptions. Some of these words are not used currently
and some of the terms are apparently shorthand for more complete terms.
Some I just plain don't know.
Capias-order to pick someone up
"ni si" -failure to appear
"si fa" or "si fi" - probably short for--scire facias-judgement against.
"Nolle prosequi" - Latin phrase meaning “will no longer prosecute”

#	Names of	Parties		Offenses	Date of Filing	  Names of	Order of	Orders of
	Attys		Names			  	and Issue	  witness	former term	Present term
#8	F.W.Fauntleroy	State of TX	Aggravated	Dec.1st 1868	C.Neocls*	Alies Capes	Nole Proseqi
	for defendant        VS	 	Assault				Jas Raby	& Continued	by County Atty
	Lutterloh	C.P.Alexander					B Raby				Protem
#9			State of TX	Violation	Dec 18, 1868	J.C. Lane				
			      VS	of the Estray			Alney Kerby			Alias Capias	
			Wm. Stirling	   Law								& Continued
				and			Unlawfully using two horses not their property
			James Thompson															
#10			State of TX	Violation	Dec.18, 1868	J.C.Lane				
			     vs		of the Estray 			Alney Kerby			Alias Copias
			Wm. Stirling	Law								& Continued
			James Thompson														
#11			State of TX	Theft of	Dec.29, 1868					Nole prosequi by
			     vs		   Hogs								the County Atty
			Wm Harden									Protem
			Thos Harden									
			Jack Harden																
#12			State of TX	Illegal		Dec.29, 1868					Nole prosequi by
			    vs		Marking of							the County Atty
			Wm Harden	   Hogs								protem
			Thos Harden
			Jack Harden


#	Names of	Parties		Offenses	Date of Filing	  Names of	Order of	Orders of
	Attys		Names			  	and Issue	  witness	former term	Present term
#13 	F.W.Fauntleroy	State of TX	Aggravated	filed Feb.2d, 	Chasey Neville	Jury returned verdict of guilty	
	  for defendant	    vs		Assault		    1869	James Raby	Fine of five dollars and costs
			C.P.Alexander					Bonner Raby	of suit.Judgement nisi against
											Charles Neville for $25.00
#14	J.C.Jenkins	State of TX	Theft of	Feb.2nd 1869	Ellison Birch	Jury entered verdict of guilty.
	for Defend-	    vs		   Hogs				Wm Shaw		fine of eight dollars and
	ants		Jack Hardin					Bill Turrey	imprisonment in County jail twelve
			Wm Hardin					Thos Dozier	hours amd all costs of suit against 
			Thos Hardin					Chas.Fry        Jack, Wm and Thos Hardin

#15	J.C.Jenkins	State of TX	Illegal marking	Feb 2, 1869	E Burch		Jury failing to agree, the defendants
	   for		     vs		  of Hogs			Wm Shaw		held to bail for their apperance at the 
	defendants	Jack Hardin					Bill Turney	April term of the Court 1869, in a bond of $100.
			Wm Hardin					Thos Dozier	J.B.Williams Wm Hardin fifty dollars each.
			Thomas Hardin					Charles Fry	Continued as affidavit by County Atty pro tem
#16			State of TX	Aggravated	Filed Feb 6,	A.B.Garrett		Alias Capias
			    vs		Assault		1869 Capias	Wm Kerby		and continued
		Frank Evetts		Issued Feb 1869	Wm Wiggins
#17			State of TX	Disturbing the	Filed Feb 8,	Wm.Wiggins		Alias Capias
			    vs		Public Peace	1869 Capias     Eli Franks		and continued
			Frank Evetts	in Gatesville	Issued		L.M.Allen						
							Feb 8 1869	Witnesses for							
#18 	J.C.Jenkins	State of TX	Cutting		Filed Feb 18,	Almon Sellers		Nole prosequi by
	F.W.Fauntleroy	     vs		Timber not	1869 Capias	John Magill		county Atty pro tem
	for Defendant	Matthew Kell	his property	Issued Feb 18	Sam Cathey		and case continued
							   1869		Abe Kell
#19	J.C.Jenkins	State of TX	Failure to	Scire fucas				Judgement Nidi against
			     vs		attend as a	Issued Feb 3				Charley Neville for
		       Charley Neville	Witness in the      1869				$25.00  Judgement affirmed
					Case of C.P.										
#20	J.C.Jenkins	State of TX	Cutting 	Filed March the	James McIlhaney 	Continued on affidavit 
	     &		     vs		Timber		1st 1869 Capias	John Martin		of Defendant
	F.W.Fauntleroy	Haywood Moore			Issued Mar 1st	Mrs Martin					
	for Defendant					     1869											

#18	J.C.Jenkins &	State of TX	Cutting 	filed Feb	Almon Sellers		Dismissed, improperly 		
	F.W.Fauntleroy	     vs		timber		18th 1869	John McGill			by County Atty	on the Docket
	for defendant	Matthew Kill			Capias Feb.18	Sam Cathey							
											1869		Abe Kill					
#20	J. C. Jenkins	State of TX	Cutting		filed March	James McIlhaney	Continued on 	Nole prosequi by the 
	for defendant        vs		Timber		1st 1869	John Martin	Affidavit of 	County Atty protem
			Haywood Moore			Capias Mar	Wm Martin	the defendant							
							1, 1869															
#21	Fauntleroy	State of TX	Aggravated	filed March	Sam Hogan	Bond forfeited	Alias Capas and
	for defendant	     vs		Assault		13, 1869	Henry____	Judgment Ni Si 	  Continued
			Wm Phelps					George____	against Deft and 
			(freeman)							Sureties Sci fa
											To issue against
											Surities Alias
											Capias for Defendant
#22	F.C. Lutterloh	State of TX	Aggravated	filed March	Jim Mullins	Continued by consent	Verdict
	& J.C.Jenkins	    vs		Assault		15 1869		Kitie Cardin	   of parties		Not guilty
	for State	Henry Brown			Capias March	Sam Washington									
	F.W.Fauntleroy	(freeman)			 20,1869	Fayette Bryant									
	of Defendant							Gabe Fullbright											
#24			State of TX	Assault &	March 26th 1869	John Hart	Continued for 		Capias & 
			    vs		Battery		Capias March	Wm M Laurence	want of service		Continued
			William Frazier			26 1869		J.I.Westfall										
									Wm Johnson															
									Frank Mayfield														

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Copyright 2003 by Bobbie Ross